Mendocino & Lake Counties Only Local Mail House
Direct Mailing Services
CASS Certification Service
We Provide CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) Ensuring that addresses are correct. Enabling you to meet USPS regulations for reduced postage rates.
Non-Profit Mailing
We work with many local non-profit organizations on their news letters, appeals, postcards and anouncments. These are often printed, processed, and mailed by us from a your file without you ever having to handle it. We also will pick up a mailing put together by you, presort , address, and deliver it to the US Postal Service. If you choose this option, please contact us. We can help make sure your mail piece design will comply with postal regulations.
Political Campaign Mailing
Express-It can provide for every aspect of your political campaign mailing from printing to delivery. We can assist in postcard design as well as provide targeted mailing lists based upon multiple, or single criteria. Contact us for detials.
Mailing List Presorting Services
CASS and NCOA your mailing list.
Presort your database for automation or non-automation.
Generate PDF reports of changed addresses and DPV errors.
Put Intelligent Mail Barcode for all automated mailing to obtain the lowest possible postal rates.
Remove duplicate records, if requested.
Generate list of updated addresses.
Duplicate Removal Service
Our state of the art software checks for duplicate addresses on your mailing list. You will be provided with a file of any duplicates so that you can update your list.
Applying tabs to your folded newsletters and letter size self-mailers to meet postal service regulations. This generally saves 4 cents per item in postage charges and envelope costs. Our translucent tabs hold inserts, including donor and remit envelopes firmly in place.
Drop Shipping
Arrange to have your printing jobs shipped directly to our shop. We will accept delivery and improve the turn around time on your order.
Our folding machines make quick easy work out of folding your newsletters and other printed material. For jobs that cannot be machine folded, we offer hand folding services. Please contact us for a quote.
Hand and machine insertion is available for all your mailings. Donor and remit envelopes, tickets and postcards are easily and quickly placed prior to mailing. All jobs are assembled and mailed according to your specific requests.
We provide coordination for all of your printing needs. Send us your PDF files for a quote.